PlayStation All-Stars Wiki

For the people who haven't heard it yet (I did last week but keyboard was broken so :/ ) there is going to be a reboot of Dissidia for PS4 which was originally for PSP. So I immediately wanted to make a prediction/wishlist for the game.

Note: this is only simple list which I will work out tomorrow as it already is very late.

Original Game Protagonist Deuteragonist Antagonist Other
Final Fantasy Warrior of Light Garland Chaos
Final Fantasy II Firion The Emperor Borghen
Final Fantasy III Onion Knight Cloud of Darkness Xande
Final Fantasy IV Cecil Harvey Kain Highwind Golbez Rydia
Final Fantasy V Bartz Klauser Exdeath Gilgamesh
Final Fantasy VI Terra Branford Locke Cole Kefka Palazzo
Final Fantasy VII Cloud Strife Tifa Lockhart Sephiroth Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy VIII Squall Leonhart Laguna Loire Ultimecia Rinoa Heartilly
Final Fantasy IX Zidane Tribal Vivi Ornitier Kuja
Final Fantasy X Tidus Yuna Jecht Lulu
Final Fantasy XI Shantotto Prishe Lehko Habhoka
Final Fantasy XII Vaan Ashelia Dalmasca Gabranth
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Serah Farron Caius Ballad Noel Kreiss
Final Fantasy XIV Y'shtola Yugiri Mistwalker
Final Fantasy XV Noctis Lucis Caelum Stella Nox Fleuret
Final Fantasy Tactics Ramza Beoulve
Final Fantasy Type-0 Kurasame Susaya
Kingdom Hearts Sora Riku Master Xehanort Axel